Saturday, July 28, 2012

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

More corruption, This Lawyer is no longer in the "boys club" so it would appear unprotected

Father's Facebook manifesto preceded fire that killed 3 in Warwick

Man feared he would lose custody of children

“For fathers, it’s official: If you don’t take justice into your own hands, you’ll never have justice,” he wrote in a lengthy posting on his Facebook page, in which his profile picture showed him embracing his children.

In his Facebook post, Marcoux vented his frustrations about the “lies,” “blind judges,” and “corrupt lawyers.”
“I swear by my heart of a father,” he railed in one of a number of chilling passages, “that my children will never be mistreated ever again, not even with the blessing of a hypocrite judge.”

Wednesday, July 11, 2012



Our very broken, egregiously malicious Family Court System is destroying families, with unscrupulous Family Lawyers reaping the reward by taking money from families that would otherwise be spent on children.

As some of you know, my communications cables were severed and I have been cut off from phone and internet for nearly a week as some 30 meters of cable had to be replaced across an entire street. This story was brought to my attention by the prominent criminal lawyer, Walter Fox, who I ran into at the Newmarket Courthouse today while assisting a colleague in a civil matter.

Mr. Fox brought to my attention a Toronto Star story and the fact that some 600 comments mostly condemned the mother and supported the actions of the father to flee, who saw no viable hope to sustain a meaningful life in Canada as a consequence of financial orders brought against him by Family Court and the FRO (Family Responsibility Office), a collection agency of spousal and child support. Child support is a disguised spousal support as the money received for the children is rarely all spent on the children as it is supposed to including the Canadian Child Tax Benefit money primarily entitled to and controlled by mothers over fathers. Custodial fathers are expected to seek written permission from mothers to receive the CCTB funds. This violates the Canadian Charter that forbids sexual discrimination.

In conclusion I say that as over 50% of families are broken, there should be NO question as to why our youth are bitterly angry having devastating life altering effects with scars that will carry to the ends of their lives. We have the wondrous workings of the feminist ideology that falsely empowers women to shatter homes with a lure of false security of controlling assets, matrimonial homes and the reward of spousal and child support for life. Sometimes this strategy will NOT work as the male is expected to finance two separate homes, instead of one. Consequently, 8 men will commit suicide in Canada each and every day as they are driven out of their minds by the ravages of family break up and the vicious effects of Family Court and FRO. So you may drive your husband to death or to exile when your greedy expectations go out of control.

I commend what this father did and condemn our Family Court that has fathers driven to death or to exile, as in this case. Fathers should choose life over death. Nobody can deny a choice of life. "Well done Einstein!" Brilliantly stated Mr. Mills! Sadly, the lawyers have been paid and another family will lose everything as I doubt she will be financially responsible or capable of managing or coping, especially if she refuses to contribute by not working. Now Ms. Mills you may enjoy the rewards of your actions, that have been pathetic. Sadly the children are the ones who will suffer the most not you!