Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Wise Law Blog: On Paternity, Polygamy, Palimony and Parental Alienation in Canada

Wise Law Blog: On Paternity, Polygamy, Palimony and Parental Alienation in Canada

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

not only are parents being alienatted grandparents are being shut out and grandchildren are being left torn,confused questioning what happen to gramma and grampa.Sometimes blaming themselves.Grandparents want to share the unconditional love they have to give.This should be a human right.If grandchildren are taken in by CAS they may end up in foster care or put up for adoption.Why are grandparents not given first right to help family memebers.This is unfare and the system is not working in the best intrest for these wonderful children.Family relatives and members should come first.