Sunday, December 1, 2013

Bill aims to revolutionize custody in divorce cases

The legislation is based on recommendations of two government-appointed public committees that examined how to update custody regulations and bring them in line with United Nations conventions on children’s rights. One of the committees, appointed by Tzipi Livni in her first term as justice minister, dealt with the responsibility of divorced parents to their children.......

“The bill is intended to guarantee the good of every girl and boy by ensuring that their parents maintain their rights,” Kol (Yesh Atid) wrote in the bill. “According to the UN, children have rights independent of their parents and rights to their parents.”

To that end, the bill would make the courts take into account societal changes over the past decades that have equalized parenting roles of mothers and fathers. The bill would replace regulations that have been in place since 1962 that have not been updated since then..........

“This situation resulted in children in most cases gradually losing their connection with their father who did not have custody,” Kol wrote. “The tender years clause violates the UN decision that requires countries to guarantee the recognition of both parents’ responsibility to raise the children, rather than have one of them be the primary parent.”.......

The bill would end the practice of granting custody to one parent and separately deciding how much time the children will spend with each parent........

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