Saturday, May 28, 2011

Missisauga Dad gets into the weekend Spirit-Re tax and "What about single dads?‏

Posted by: Mississauga Dad | May 26, 2011 11:27:11 PM

What about single dads? What do we get besides a slap in the face, a kick in the ass, and a court system that mandates that everything possible be done to destroy us financially, emotionally, and psychologically?

I am a single father of two teenage boys - I get, and got, nothing from their mother in terms of support, nothing from the government - not even any tax breaks. I am hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt after suffering through the abuse and harassment of the family courts for years.

My ex cost me tens of thousands of dollars in litigation in order that she obtain sole custody and residency of our children. Once she had done so, and had received all of the 'financial perks' that the courts award to single mothers as 'primary caregivers', (perks that came out of my pocket of course), she decided that she couldn't look after the children after all and shortly after winning her windfall, phoned me and said the boys and their possessions were waiting in her porch so please come and get them. They have been with me fulltime ever since.

I have spent additional thousands of dollars in expenses making sure that the boys see their mother every weekend, during all holidays, for at least half of each summer, and for any other time either they or she desires. In all the hundreds and hundreds of times the boys have been to visit and/or stay with her she has NEVER picked up or driven the boys or paid for their bus or train fares. Yet when the boys with living with her she made no effort to, and in fact impeded in every way possible, any attempts for me to spend time with them. And if I was fortunate enough to get any time I, again, picked up all the expenses. She absolutely refused to drive the boys to or from my home.

The boys' university education is already looked after because of a Trust Fund that I set up solely and totally with money I earned. She never contributed a cent to the fund but I was not given any kind of "credit" for my contributions during divorce proceedings - in fact she did everything she could to try to wrest control of the fund into the hands of her and her father.

I will never be able to retire - I am in my late fifties now - I will have to work until I drop dead in order to have any chance of paying all of my debts - debts that were mandated by the systemic hatred, harassment, abuse, and discrimination routinely and knowingly inflicted on fathers by the socialist feminazi family court system.

And my ex? She's living in a nice, large condo in downtown Toronto. She doesn't work - she lives off the money the courts stole from me to give to her.

Is it any wonder that the biggest cause of death for divorced fathers is suicide?

 Mississauga Dad-Censored-2.jpg

Manufacturing Ghost Fathers: The Paradox of Father Presence and Absence in Child Welfare | Canadian Child Welfare Research Portal

Manufacturing Ghost Fathers: The Paradox of Father Presence and Absence in Child Welfare | Canadian Child Welfare Research Portal

Lee Block: What Are the Family Courts Thinking?

Lee Block: What Are the Family Courts Thinking?